Not by choice, I'm one of those guys who has been
force-fed Amway-Quixtar-Melaluca crap for almost a decade now. Whether it's friends and acquaintances, or worse yet, family, I was nice about my non-interest at first. The products are good quality (at a high price). That's not the problem.
But these assholes don't know, usually, when the hell to shut up and stop. In some cases, they were cool and backed the hell up after I said, "Enough. No thank you already."
In other cases, they kept pushing and pushing and pushing. Hate that crap. And I've learned over the years that I am not alone. In fact, some of my friends who were formerly in Amway lost up to $30,000 in expenses and "conferences" where the Amway higher-ups pump their tapes and books. It's a giant pimp machine to me. If you're the pimp, you live large. The rest of them are basically being prostituted.
They get by, but mostly they put in major hours and years, really, to eke out a decent, but undignified dollar in the name of Amway cum Melaluca.
It's sad how I have to basically become an asshole to get the extremists to stop peddling their crap to me, but that's the reality. Nice guys get suckered in or run over by the Amway machine. We're just "prospects" in the multi-level/pyramind scheme.
Some folks say it's the "American Way." I don't think so. If you have a great product or service and treat your customers right and well, things usually work out. It's greed that drives pyramid schemes, and the residue and byproduct is clear: people like me who have no interest get pushed into
hating the whole scheme because it infiltrates our families and friends like crap on your shoes. And it doesn't go away.